Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Of drum beaters…

‘Chitsiru chinayimba ng’oma, ochenjera navina’ is a Chewa saying. Literally, it means the foolish will beat the drum and the clever ones will dance. But it says a lot about Malawians in general. You see, most Malawians are risk averse. Especially those who lay claim to enlightenment. They know too much for their own good. The economy aint right. No investment can thrive in this environment. Inflation is through the roof and the runaway interest rates should dissuade any clear minded fellow from obtaining a loan from the bank to finance a business project. Knowledge, instead of freeing the creators in us, somehow fetters our imagination. It becomes that thick albatross around our neck that tie us to our average normalcy. So we seek out safe zones and find comfort in there. Nchifukwa chake ambiri timajiwa. Chifukwa pakadafunda…

Take our local politics for instance. Those in elected office have been criticized for being clueless at best and ‘unfathomable idiots’ at worst. Be this as it may, those who supposedly know better will never throw their hat into the ring. They will be content providing an exasperated running commentary on the failings of our politics. Often from a safe distance of their social media accounts and the dim lit corners of drinking joints. So thick is our risk aversion that even when those of recognised brilliance decide to risk it by joining politics, we look at them aghast. Wondering what on earth they are thinking leaving ‘plum jobs’ to join dirty politics. So when Saulos Chilima gets lampooned for stepping aside as CEO of one of Malawi’s leading corporations, one should see it for what it is. Our pathological aversion to anything risky.

That explains in part why our politics is dominated by those who do not have a litany of qualifications after their names. It is dominated by those who risk big. By the bold ones. They dare to tread even where the matadors fear. They simply take the plunge while we the enlightened ones run sophisticated statistical models to measure the associated risks. And that is why my friends, they, for the foreseeable future, will continue to beat the drum while we, the supposedly clever ones, will continue to wiggle our sorry bums in a stupendous dance…Ha! Chitsiru ndi ndani pamenepa?

As they say, in a democracy people get a government they deserve. Of the people, by the people and for the people. 

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